Thursday, May 6, 2010

Freedom of Information Act

After Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Geneva I have spent a week in NY meeting with different people: journalists, public officials, civil sociaty activists and businessmen (great thanks to Paul Klebnikov Foundation, and personally Musa and Leslie for excellent events).
One of the questions I am interested is Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and how it works in America.
I've talked to Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Bloomberg colleagues about it.
Finally I have understood that there are no government in the world that will willingly disclose sensitive information.
So the only way is to find different ways.
It is great if there are enough money for the lawyers 'to sue information out' from the government.
If not - it sometimes may be problematic.
Going back to Russian illegal market of databases and corrupt public officials who have access to all kinds of information. In fact it is Russian black market freedom of information act (BMFOIA)!
You even don't need to send a request.

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