Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Conference in Las Vegas

Several days ago I enjoyed Investigative Reporters and Editors' (IRE) conference in Las Vegas. There were something like 800 journalists. And I arrived to DC with handful of cards (not poker cards, of course).
I took part in one panel and talked about Russian databases and public records' laws. And visited the panels of best journalists in the world, experts in FOIA and different technics of getting the information (including former FBI agent). I have also exchanged the information with colleagues from Europe, Africa, Japan and China. Hope these contacts can help me and them to trace companies, people and topics we are interested in.
Las Vegas is really great place. My American colleagues assuared me that not all of the cities in USA looks like Las Vegas. It is a place with ongoing holidays. So it is difficult for me to understand how people are living there.
Besides studying some new technics in journalism I have also studied Blackjack.
And I have succeed, because I have lost only $20.

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